Harald Prinzler Mikroelektronik, Fesseldrachen und Fotografie |
Detmolder Straße 93 D-33175 Bad Lippspringe Phone: +49-5252-7830 email: harald@hprinzler.de URL: http://www.hprinzler.de |
Some people asked me about some problems or for special information. Here I will try to give answers, if I have no web file for that theme.
A Delta is not the best kite for lifting power. The advantage is the flying in low wind speed. I use a 3mm Polyamid line and I think it is to thick. The 2mm Polyamid line will always be enough. If I use a line loop for KAP, I take the 1.5mm Polyamid line.
I have no Flowform #16. The size of it is like the Flowform from Jim Rowlands. For that kite it is enough to take the 3mm Polyamid line (150daN). Because of the one level of bridle lines on the flowform #16, I guess a 2mm Polyamid line (about 90daN) will be enough. Even the bigger Flowform (50 sq.ft.) I fly always with the 3mm Polyamid line.
For length of the center bridle line I take 2.5 times the largest distance
between bridle points on the kite. For the other bridle lines I use the
formular of pythagoras to calculate the line length.
On small kites it is possible to use the same length for all bridle lines.
Even with the calculated different length of bridle lines the kite is not real
flat rigged. For real flat rigging the height of the keels should be used in
the calculation.
Errors by building the kites are smaller in relation to the larger size. So you
can build a large kite more exactly as a smaller kite.
Large kites are not so critical in gusty winds, because they only react slow on
wind changes. Small kites react much faster and tend easier to unstable flight.
It is not harder to make a larger kite. You have only to handle with more
fabric. Sewing the top side of large soft kites is easier, because it is not so
curved as on small kites.
The same errors on building kites are smaller in relation to the larger size. So
you can build a large kite more exactly as a smaller kite.
Take care, large kites are more sensitive to pressure by wind speed as small
kites. A large kite will break earlier than a small kite.
Usually the the biggest holes on bottom surface are near to the leading edge and on top side near the trailing edge. With more wind the air flow increases (bottom side in and top side out) and the trailing edge of the flowform will not rise anymore. It works against the rising possibilty of the profile form. The jet chute (opening in trailing edge) stabilizes the direction by air flow through the kite.
With the holes on bottom and top surface the wind range for a stable flight is
increased. Of course it works without those holes, too. But then on higher wind
speed the kite is earlier unstable.
I made experiences on my second flowform. I added the holes on top and bottom
surface half a year later I finished the kite. Without the holes the kite was
only useful for light wind. With the holes the wind range is larger. The holes
do not affect the flying in lower wind speed.
With scaling soft kites there is a change of lift power depending of the profile
form, too. I think an upscaled soft kite will fly at a higher angle, because the
profile form makes too much lift. Therefore I reduced the maximum height of my
newest flowform design for larger kites.
Take care, large kites are more sensitive to pressure by wind speed as small
kites. A large kite will break earlier than a small kite.
An upscaled soft kite from a given design is more to use in lower wind range as
the kite in original size. This depends on the increased lift of the top surface
on the upscaled kite.
A two row bridle is only needed, if the maximum profile height is oriented more to the middle of the chord. With the maximum profile height at about 15 percent of the base line it is in my opinion not necessary.
In a compound bridle the lines of each bridle row (primary lines) are leaded to
one ring. From these rings I lead another line to the ring were the flying line
is fixed (secondary lines). With changes on the secondary lines it is possible
to change the angle of attack of the kite.
At first fly the kite only with tension on front bridle row. With a tail you can
first slow down the unstable flight of the kite. Now shorten the secondary lines
of the other bridle rows to get the kite more stable. Then let the tail away and
check flying again.
This bridle system I use for all kites I have made with more than one bridle rows
(Rokkaku, Multiflare and Flowform). I would even use them for a cody.
I don't trust sketches in books and printings for building kites. It is allways better to use the given data tables. I don't know how my kite plans look on any printed paper.
A mean point is the complete weight of camera and system, which will be lifted by the flowform. For a weight of about 2kg I would prefer to use a size of about 2m spanwidth and 2.5m profile base line. That is the size of my third flowform (American Flowform) which is my first choice for KAP work.
In the given size with 2m span with and 2.5m profile base line I use polyamid with a diameter of 2mm (about 70daN) for the bridle line and polyamide with a diameter of 3mm (about 150daN) for the flying line. In my opinion for the bridle a polyamide line with a diameter of 1.5mm (about 50daN) is strong enough.